Bandi Technology is showing an important lead role in a manufacturing, marketing, trading and the best services in our INDIAN LABORATORY either UG/PG/R&D or High Grade Research in the field of Photoreaction, Ultrasonication, Nanotechnology, and Refrigeration & Vacuum Technology. Our company purpose of serving the scientific equipment’s with high quality Laboratory Equipment’s. Our company are also covered the in-line & off-line process based Industry. We are working together with overseas reputed worldwide renowned trading channel partner. Few products are running more than 100 Years in the market. We are the company to offer entire range cover to Analytical Equipment's, Bio-Technology, Bio Medical, Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Textile Engineering, Pharmacy Engineering, Agricultural Science, Center for Rural Development & Technology, Centre for Environment Science, Solar Science as well start-up Laboratory and highly set-up Industry. We are serve to everywhere.